Latest Episodes
Quieting the Busy Mind - The Context S06E01
I lived alone for three months while my wife was in Seoul, for the first time in 40 years. In today's world we receive...
Half Life of Skills - The Context S05E17
When deciding what is worth developing in terms of professional skills, there is an important concept that I would like to talk about: the...
Talking to AIs - The Context S05E16
We often imagine technology in our science fiction scenarios that is very different from what happens when it becomes available. Today, we are starting...
Living with Bots - The Context S05E14
Are you worried about bots, and spam accounts and fake accounts on the various social media platforms? You could decide that this worry should...
Education Created South Korea's Success - The Context S05E13
What can profoundly define the trajectory of a country over the course of a couple of generations? In the case of South Korea, the...
Bear Market - The Context S05E12
We are in a bear market and more and more countries in the world will very likely declare over the course of the next...