The lack of adequate response by so many governments to the pandemic, even when plenty of positive and negative examples were already available from other countries that have been impacted before them, is a sign that maybe the mental models that are applied to the decision making are inadequate.
The pandemic is not merely exponential.
As it is impacting with its assault on multiple supporting infrastructural elements of a community, region, a nation, the cumulative effect has an increasing acceleration, and it is jolting.
The governments that work well in other scenarios can’t function when it is pushed beyond the limits of its adaptability and of the individuals that compose them.
Society wants to incentivise creativity and private enterprise. Copyrights patents and trademarks have emerged as a protection of what we today call intellectual property....
Technological change not only accelerates. It is jolting.What are the consequences of this jolting technological change? Several years ago, I concluded decentralization was the...
What do you do when you have to speak at two conferences in distant cities at the same time? If you are me, you...