Society wants to incentivise creativity and private enterprise.
Copyrights patents and trademarks have emerged as a protection of what we today call intellectual property.
There are plenty of examples when these serve a useful purpose, however excessive extensions to the expiration of copyright as well as harmful patent trolls show the negative side of this arrangement.
Open source software and hardware has emerged as a powerful alternative that is compatible with profit making but also with building a Commons benefiting everybody inclusively.
When I started recording and airing The Context a few months ago, I didn’t very much know how the process would work. Yes, my...
We are each day learning more and more, by necessity, about epidemiology, virology, behavioral science, and all the other complex issues surrounding the COVID-19...
Modern finance’s powerful tools, but also just simple lending and borrowing are unavailable to billions of people. Decentralized finance, or DeFi is a new...