Latest Episodes
The Context: Human Networks
With modern technological platforms, the networks of connections that we can leverage go way beyond the limits of our biological and social evolution, the...
The Context: Jolting Technologies
There is a paradigm shift moving from accelerating technological change to jolting technological change. What is a jolt? The jolt is the measure of...
The Context: Geoengineering
We've been doing geoengineering, transforming our environment, since the beginning of human civilization. In the past many effects appeared only local, or at most...
The Context: Programmability
As we develop smart infrastructures for our societies, it will be necessary and natural to make them programmable. The programmability of agile and upgradeable...
The Context: Young Disruption
What is the right age to introduce children to the disruptions hitting our society? Shouldn't we, rather than talking to executives or people who...
The Context: Memetic Ambitions
Memetics is the study of evolution of culture and ideas, in all their expressions. Science, technology, philosophy, all evolve, and our tools for creating,...