The labels of extrovert and introvert represent the extremes of a spectrum.
In reality we are all ambiverts, dynamically adjusting our filters as needed.
Communicating, whether creating output speaking or writing, or input through listening and reading, requires both cognitive effort and physical energy.
It is a necessary component of our lives.
When we are born, we are all naturally extroverts: have you been near a hungry newborn baby?
It is not going to be shy about her needs!
As we look out on the world, trying to understand it, we structure our knowledge of the information collected, across several dimensions. Spatial, temporal,...
The ideal of sustainability can’t be seen as a static goal, which represents the end of our efforts, once reached. In practice, all complex...
Traveling to foreign countries, to experience their language and culture, the different ways of living, is accessible to an increasing number of people. My...