The Context: Human Networks

Episode 13 October 28, 2019 00:27:54
The Context: Human Networks
The Context Podcast - David Orban
The Context: Human Networks

Oct 28 2019 | 00:27:54


Show Notes

With modern technological platforms, the networks of connections that we can leverage go way beyond the limits of our biological and social evolution, the original circle of contacts in a village.

The Dunbar Number of 150 meaningful connections may increase, augmented by the power of social networks and both synchronous and asynchronous channels of communication.

We experiment, trying to both develop and to apply the specific netiquette to each platform.

Cat videos on Facebook yes, cat videos on LinkedIn no.

New AI assisted tools are starting to generate dialogs in our place.

Soon enough synthetic people will arrive, and we will interact with them, sometimes without even realizing.

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