We are each day learning more and more, by necessity, about epidemiology, virology, behavioral science, and all the other complex issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our collective intelligence evolves, both at the level of the individual, as well as on the level of our businesses and larger communities, the policies that are being put in place in our nations.
We are adapting to the new conditions that are shared by more and more countries, with social distancing measures, even though we realize that they neither will be necessarily solving the challenge of the virus forever, nor can be sustained very long.
Comparing how we are coping and adopting what works, learning from the mistakes is now literally a question of life and death.
The ideal of sustainability can’t be seen as a static goal, which represents the end of our efforts, once reached. In practice, all complex...
The lack of adequate response by so many governments to the pandemic, even when plenty of positive and negative examples were already available from...
Our desire to understand is boundless. We reach out with our robots in the solar system and with astronomical instruments all across the universe...